序号 |
著作或论文名称;出版单位或发表刊物名称;期号、起止页码 |
本人排序(仅列第一作者或通讯作者) |
出版或发表年度 |
是否被SCI收录 |
期刊影响因子 |
1 |
Advanced or metastatic gastric cancer in elderly patients: clinicopathological, prognostic factors and treatments. Clini cal and Translational Oncology, 2013.5.01, 15(5):376~383 |
第一作者 |
2013 |
是 |
1.6 |
2 |
Feasibility and efficacy of combined cisplatin plus irinotecan chemotherapy for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas,Medical Oncology,2013.9.01,30(3):664~664 |
第一作者 |
2013 |
是 |
2.058 |
3 |
Neutrophil Count and the Inflammation-based Glasgow Prognostic Score Predict Survival in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer Receiving First-line Chemotherapy,Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,2014.01.01,15(2):945~950 |
第一作者 |
2014 |
是 |
2.514 |
4 |
Change of Body Weight and Macrophage Inhibitory Cytokine-1 during Chemotherapy in Advanced Gastric Cancer: What Is Their Clinical Significance?,PLos One,2014.2.28,9(2) |
第一作者 |
2014 |
是 |
3.234 |
5 |
Weight Loss Correlates with Macrophage Inhibitory Cytokine-1 expression and Might Influence Outcome in Patients with Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma,Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,2014.8.18 ,15(15):6047~6052 |
第一作者 |
2014 |
是 |
2.514 |
6 |
Combination of microtubule associated protein-tau and beta-tubulin III predicts chemosensitivity of paclitaxel in patients with advanced gastric cancer,European Journal of Cancer,2014.9.01,50(13):2328~2335 |
第一作者 |
2014 |
是 |
5.417 |
7 |
Pretreatment lymphopenia is an easily detectable predictive and prognostic marker in patients with metastatic esophagus squamous cell carcinoma receiving first-line chemotherapy.,Cancer Med,2016.5.01,5(5):77 8~786 |
第一作者 |
2016 |
是 |
3.362 |
8 |
Irinotecan plus cisplatin followed by octreotide long-acting release maintenance treatment in advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma: IPO-NEC study,Oncotarget. 2017, 11;8(15):25669-25678. |
第一作者 |
2017 |
是 |
5.168 |
序号 |
起始时间 |
结束时间 |
项目名称 |
经费来源 |
担任角色 |
1 |
2014.6.30 |
2017.9.30 |
北京市科委的“首都特色”专项资助“营养及心理干预联合标准化疗改善晚期胃食管癌预后的随机、对照、III期临床研究” |
75 |
研究总负责人 |
2 |
2012.1 |
2015.12 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目“晚期胃癌中 TUBB3 表达水平与紫杉醇疗效关系的研究” |
55 |
主要参与人 |
3 |
序号 |
取得时间 |
授予单位 |
名称 |
级别 |
1 |
2010 |
“星光大道——CSCO青年医师演讲比赛”获得第三名 |
国家级 |
2 |
2012 |
北京大学肿瘤医院 |
优秀教师 |
院级 |
3 |